Financing: The SDE ++ subsidy

Financing: The SDE ++ subsidy

The first SDE ++ (Stimulation of sustainable energy production and climate transition) subsidy scheme was launched this autumn. This is an extension of the old SDE + subsidy, which only related to the generation of own sustainable energy. The new subsidy scheme also relates to reducing CO2 emissions. When this subsidy applies to one of the sustainability projects of your company, it can offer a solution in financing this. In this article we explain to you what this subsidy relates to, what the conditions are and what the application process looks like.

Who is eligible?

You can submit an application as a company or institution that will use and operate a production installation itself to produce renewable energy or to apply CO2-reducing techniques. Your company must be active in the following sectors: industry, mobility, electricity, agriculture or buildings. If the production installation in question is not owned by your company or institution, you must have permission from the owner. The required permits must already be obtained before installation.

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What is eligible?

If you want to apply for an SDE ++ subsidy, one of the following categories must apply. In addition, a number of subcategories apply, some of which are mentioned in but not limited to the examples. Per category it is only possible to request a subsidy for one production installation per address.

How much subsidy can I get?

This depends on the technology used and how much CO2 is saved. The amount is determined per ton of reduced CO2. The application process is divided into four phases, of which the amount of the subsidy increases per phase. There are also maximum requirements per sector and technology, to prevent the entire grant amount (€ 5 billion in 2020) from going to one sector.

What if I already receive other subsidies?

It is not always possible to combine an SDE ++ subsidy with other subsidies. For example, it is in principle not possible to make use of the Investment subsidy sustainable energy (ISDE) or the Energy investment deduction (EIA) during the subsidy. With other grants, it is tested whether there is overstimulation, on the basis of which the grant amount can be adjusted.

Other requirements

Specific requirements still apply per category. For example, it is relevant for several categories to conduct a feasibility study. This must contain an operating calculation and must be enclosed with the subsidy application. When generating electricity, it is also mandatory to enclose a transmission indication showing that transmission capacity is available for the request location.


A subsidy application is handled by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, RVO). It is only possible to submit the SDE ++ subsidy if it is open. The next opening round will take place in 2021. The process consists of several steps, which can be found on the website of the RVO. You must enclose all mandatory documents with the application. After submission, the RVO will assess your application for completeness and content based on the conditions. You will receive a decision within 13 weeks. If this is positive, you will be allocated a grant amount as the maximum amount over the entire duration of the grant.

As you have read, applying for an SDE ++ subsidy can be a complicated process due to the conditions that can differ per category. Do you think that an SDE ++ subsidy application could be useful for making your company more sustainable and would you like to know more about this? Then contact Law & More. Our lawyers specialize in applying for a subsidy, also in the field of sustainability. We would like to assist you with this and are open to all your questions.

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