The outcome of the 2021 climate summit in Glasgow

The outcome of the 2021 climate summit in Glasgow

In the period from 31 October to 12 November 2021, the 26e Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) took place in Glasgow. On the agenda was the further elaboration of the Paris Climate Agreement (2015). I: climate targets In the Paris Climate Agreement (2020), 195 states and […]

Responsible and sustainable international business

Responsible and sustainable international business

On 11 March 2021, members of parliament introduced a bill for the Responsible and Sustainable International Business Act. The proposal is for “rules for due diligence in production chains to counteract violations of human rights, labour rights and the environment in the conduct of foreign trade”. The proposal is in line with international and national […]

Environmental organisations critical of proposed

Environmental organisations critical of proposed Forests Regulation of the European Commission

On 17 September 2021, the European Commission proposed a regulation to address deforestation: the Commission’s proposal concerning the making available on the EU market and the export from the EU of certain goods and products related to deforestation and forest degradation and repealing Regulation 995/2010. Hereinafter this proposal will be referred to as the Forest […]

CSR information

Disclosure of CSR information: an extension of the Directive on disclosure of non-financial information

At the end of April this year, the European Commission (hereinafter: ‘Commission’) announced its intention to extend the Directive 2014/95/EU regarding the publication of non-financial information (the Non-financial Reporting Directive, hereinafter: ‘NFRD’). In the future, corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure should also be taken into account. This intention stems from the European Green Deal which […]

Climate justice, human rights and voluntary CSR instruments

Climate justice, human rights and voluntary CSR instruments

An analysis by Milieudefensie/Royal Dutch Shell Recently, the District Court of The Hague ruled in favour of Milieudefensie: Royal Dutch Shell (hereafter: ‘RDS’) failed in its policy to prevent dangerous climate change and was ordered to achieve a 45% reduction within the Shell group (hereafter: ‘Shell’) by the end of 2030. This ruling must have […]

The role of the IPCC in climate law and climate justice

The role of the IPCC in climate law and climate justice

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a well-known organisation that assesses the risks of climate change based on the status quo of scientific research. The IPCC was established in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). The reports issued by the IPCC are highly regarded worldwide […]
